Now, let’s turn to the subject matter Gifts from my god-papa. She came back with half a luggage (I certainly don’t mean a small luggage) of goodies for me. She said they were from my god-papa in Boston (you mean he visited her in Atlanta and not me here in Singapore. God-papa, how could you do this to me? I thought you love me loads - hmmmm!!!!- makes me wonder now).
I got a new collar, 2 leashes, T-shirt

and loads of rawhides (see some of the samplings) from my god-papa.

To be honest, the rawhide was to tell mom, never ever give me oxtail ever again. The collar, leash and T-shirt were from Harley Davidson – to improve my macho image. Mom said she had a debate with god-daddy. She wanted the spiky collar but god-daddy said it was not good for my bull terrier image (no use arguing with a woman – they always win so here I am stuck with the spiky collar).
The heart breaking news was when mom said “All these are your birthday presents”
Be nice mom, I can’t wait for one month (of course not, for I have master the art of Herbie’s ‘give me food look’ and YES I had one rawhide already). To be honest, I love my presents (so far) this year. I guess you may all have seen Joey’s posting on what I got for my birthday last year. Mom thought that was extravagant and she has been telling everyone not to buy expensive gifts for me this year.
Thank you god-papa for the wonderful gifts.
I will tell your mom's advice to my HC that we should not get you extravangant stuff. HC actually wanted to get you a GUCCI bowl. oh well.... since your mom said so. I think HC is now collecting recyclable plastic bags to give you as presents. You like??? hehe
Wow jolly good idea.
I want top grade plastic (as you can see, yesterday, I pretended not to be interested in green poo plastic bags anymore)
Wonder if Gucci, LV, Hermes, Prada etc etc etc make good plastic bags
No fair! I want a rich god-pa too!
aiyo Scuba.. all your accessories make you soo macho.. -mwahks-
hee hee... scuba u are too demanding.. my only wish: if my slave can unlock the back door to the backyard!! i want that rooster!
so many accessories... your godpa really loves u!
Dear Bigfat and Ice
If I can, I want to barter or sell the accessories for food. I don't really want leash and collar (no freedom)
Rooster eh!!! I got a couple at the back of my condo too. Be careful their beaks are dangerous.
If you catch that rooster, you can share it with Jack and Joey they have chicken as part of their barf diet.
Yes my godpa is a generous man. He spoils me rotten. Only problem, he lives so far away and sees me once in a blue moon.
me too.. i want offleash freedom anytime...
hmm i actually escaped to backyard once. and i held the mother hen in my mouth. thats why i am banned from the back garden already.. so sad.
your godpa so far away, no good.. he cant bring u out for walks.. ha ha ha.
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