Hey we are dogs after all and may I add ALL dogs sleep when there is nothing else to do and that is what we do best - SLEEP. You can’t expect us to read a book, watch TV or waste our time on the computer (oops isn’t this what I am doing right now)
This article is dedicated to Auntie G – she laughed at me when I was in Snoozeland.
Like humans, we do have certain sleeping positions. And like them, how we sleep will determine the kind of doggie we are.
I am a bull terrier and I can only say this about myself. I like curling up to make myself like a ball, rest my little egg shape head on one paw, and then tuck my muzzle and nose and eyes under anything.
This position is what the human refer to as the Foetus. Apparently, this position described one as tough on the outside with a sensitive heart.

Ha!! The one thing you don’t know is. Although this position may imply that we are sleeping hard but hang on, we are not. We may be more awake then you think.
I also enjoy sleeping on my back with four paws in the air. I promise you, I am not doing it just to look like a weirdo or what Auntie W said, I look like I am in rigor mortis. We have less fur on our tummies so when we fell hot, we tend to sleep this way – to cool us down

How about this one? When we lie back to back or side by side – we are simply bonding with one another. And when we are in this position, we are bonding with you. It is our way of showing affection and the desire to be with other dog or human

Then there are some of us bullies who sleep on our side with both arms out in front. Bet you didn’t know that this position depict an open nature but can be suspicious and cynical. Humans call this position Yearner.

What about times when we need extra boost for our head. This position is called Hang Over

Or the one that does not permit flashing around. Maybe we can call this ‘cover the bits’

Have you ever seen us making strange little yelping noises while moving our legs and paws? Of course we are dreaming. Perhaps chasing a rabbit, a rodent, a ball or importantly FOOD.
As for me, no one can wake me up (I bet Auntie G will agree. She has a video of me doing just that).
The best I can do when anyone calls me is, I will probably open one slanty beady little eye to let you know I am not missing anything.
p/s - So so so glad to be back after so long. I miss all of you
Scuba- I was always wondering how you could sleep in a weird position. Don't mention of you sleeping on me,(that's sweet, I love that!)but just can't imagine you hanging somewhere like flog to sleep like pig.(Oops.)
R with normal sleeping habit
Scuba...Hellowwww!! I am Jasper...nice to meet you!
You do have some funny sleeping positions...check out my blog and you will see me falling asleep too.
That was interesting info on all the many positions....you are one KEWL dog!
Scuba, I LOVE your photos. You like to sleep all curled up just like me! Do you snore loudly? They tell me I sometimes snore like a little pig, but I'm not sure whether to believe them...
Big snoozy licks,
you sleep so FUNNY! I thought you might fall off of the chair in that one photo!
I am so happy that my friends still remember me.
Rafv - I like to play with frogs (you know that but mom always pull me away. Remember the one time when I caught one in my mouth. Argh Auntie S splashed water all over my face hoping to rinse my mouth). Hey don't insult the pig. This is after all the Year of the Pig.
Jasper - I will go check your blog up. Thanks for visiting.
Hello Onion - it's been such a long time. Between the two of us, yes I do snore like a pig or that's what the human says.
Joe Stains - that would be painful if I fell off the chair but I didn't. Thank goodness for that.
Scuba, you're back. I missed you. Hee, you sure have alot of position to sleep in. The pic of you cover your *ahem* with the cushion is so funny. :)
~ fufu
Wow you have lots of friends!
You looks so cute hanging out and sleeping and just relaxing!
Nothing wrong with that- can't play all the time!
I think you need to pose for doggie magazine.You have some AWESOME poeses I will write SNOOP DOGGY DOGG THA DOGGFATHER and let him know ..woof-woof
Lot's of Lick's
Scuba, were you at pet movers on sat 3/3 ?
Dear Anonymous
Sorry it wasn't me.
Thanks for visiting my blog
i seriously like how yr dog looks like..and i'm looking into getting a bull terrier too =)
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