Where did I come from? Thousands of dogs are bought or adopted, so do I want to know where I came from? The answer is NO.
All I know is this person has given me so much love and attention that she is the only mom I know and I don’t really care where I came from or who brought me to this world.
19th September 2003, I was put on an airplane heading for Singapore. I was tiny and I was scared, stressed and cold. I have to admit, I slept most of the way.
I arrived to a hot morning in Singapore on 20th September and within 3hours, I was picked up my 2 people (mom and dad). Mom had second thoughts about taking me home (I heard her whispering to my dad “you know I don’t like barky dogs and this one here is REALLY barky). I was indeed the the most vocal among all the puppies.
4years has passed and I am happy we found each other.
I love you very much mom and Happy 4th Annipawsary.