Grieve not, Nor speak of me with tears
But laugh and talk of me
As if I were beside you.
From To Those I love, a poem by Isla Paschal Richardson
From To Those I love, a poem by Isla Paschal Richardson
Mom found the above poem and she said this is what Herbie would like us to do.
Losing Herbie, while tragic, is but a beginning of a lifetime of memories.
The death itself was not sudden but mom, Auntie Sam and I never expected it so soon. We should have had many more dog years together.
There were never any fights between the two of us. If there was a disagreement, you were always waving your feathery tail to say it is alright
We share so many things alike, like EATING and SLEEPING and enjoy just being together
and we both always knew where the food is and you have taught me the art of ‘begging’

Oh Herbie, the park will never be the same without you and my living room will definitely not be the same without you too. Auntie Sam also wanted me to add – the kitchen is not the same without you Herbie.
Although Herbie is no longer physically with us but he is with us in spirit.
We will miss you terribly but you will alway be right here in our hearts.
Long live Herbie.
Rest in peace my dear friend (Your Uncle Bob will now take care of you)
That's a beautiful Tribute to Herbie, so sad that he left us. :(
~ Girl girl
Thank you for posting such a wonderful tribute Scuba - and thank you for being such a great friend to Herbie.
Herbie was my friend too - I will miss him so much :-(
Thanks buddy.
What a wonderful tribute, Scuba! Herbie was such a good friend. We're going to miss him so much!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Oh I do miss Herbs....
Bussie Kissies
Hey BLB Scubs,
I am so depressed now.. Actually what you said in your tribute is so true.. Herbie introduced you to blogging and you in turn introduced me to it.. So in a way, without Herbie, you and I would never have started to blog.
See you tomorrow...
Oh no! I get so sad when dogs leave us. We'll miss him. That was a wonderful tribute, Scuba.
Beautiful beautiful tribute Scuba! Made me cry...We will always miss the sweet Herbie.
Love licks,
Solid Gold Dancer
woofies scuba, herbie wuz well luved!!!!
b safe,
wht a fabulous tribute you made for such a fabulous dog.
dats a truly lovely tribute to Herbie!
he will be missed dearly!
oh that was a lovely tribute to poor Herbie, and you shared some lovely memories and photos too.
So sad.
Marvin xxxxx
Great tribute - so sorry your lost your friend. We will all miss Herbie very much, sniff, sniff - Woofs, Johann
Hi Scuba
We're very sorry you lost your special mate, Herbie. He was a beautiful boy, and a Gundog too. He will be still checking on you though and he'll be with Fu Fu, Oscar and Dakota.
Love from Hammer
very sorry for your lost ,He will be missed .Big HUGS
Lot's of Lick's
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