Anyway, who needs to blog when you have blogger friends.
Believe me, I don’t need to blog because all my friends are blogging for and about me - my bed (thanks to Joey), my home and the activities that goes on (thanks to Helios), my Christmas tree, my Christmas ornaments, my Christmas food (thanks to Huskee) etc etc etc.
Thank you guys for all your help (now I can go back to bed)
Well, it is high time, I should blog about something. Hmmmmmm what shall it be!!!!!
Ok ok how about 'A Painting of 10Dogs'
My mom is so proud of a group doggie picture taken on Christmas 2006 where 7 of my friends came to my pawty and so she decided to have the picture painted by a professional artist.
….here is the 2006 group doggie (Christmas Pawty) picture.
Mom was introduced to a Mr. Hu, an artist / painter in China. After looking at his work, she decided to commission him to paint the group doggie picture.
That’s not all she wanted; I think she was trying to make life difficult for this Mr. Hu. Ready for this - she wanted 10dogs in the picture instead of 8. Make me wonder if this Mr. Hu is a painter or a magician!!!!!
(Abracadabra - 10dogs it will be).
VERY SPECIFIC instructions were given and trust me, I mean
Instructions like
1) Well, before giving the instructions, Auntie S (Helios' mom) and my mom have to ‘number’ all 8 of us

2) Next, she told Mr. Hu to move no.5 closer to no. 4 (i.e. move Chewie the black/white Husky closer to Rafv the red / white Husky)
3) Remove the leash from no. 8 (the Jack Russell Terrier on the extreme right)
4a) Add Huskee (my Little Big Brother) in, next to no.6

4b) Huskee's mom sent the above picture (gosh how is this painter to know the actual size of Huskee. He could paint him the size of another Golden Retriever of a Siberian Husky). Smart thinking of Auntie S and the painter was told, to take note that Huskee is slightly bigger than no.6 as can be seen in the below picture (Remember, Mr Hu has no clue about dog breeds so size is a big blur to him)

5) Lastly, only paint the dog on the right and add it next to Huskee's right side (and he is bigger than Huskee)

6) Blah blah blah blah blah
I honestly thought she was mad. If I am the painter, I will say no to the job.
She told Auntie G, Auntie S and my godma (Huskee’s mom) about it and I think they think she was mad too.
Questions were asked, like
“how on earth does he know the size of Huskee and Helios in comparison to the other dogs”
“From a picture, can he capture the essence of our dogs??”
"what if it didn't turn out the way you like"
etc etc etc etc
Last week, she was informed that the painting was ready and this sweet painter send his painting to us via email.
The actual painting will be collected soon and hopefully we will get it within the next couple of weeks.
Voila – here it is
Compare this with the above

Helios' mom commented that Mr Hu has given me 6pack abs (Thank you Mr. Hu. Now you know why I have been missing in action. Yes I have been in body building classes). Auntie G said Jack look like he has put on weight (actually he look the same as in the original photo). Huskee's mom said the painting look so life like. Mom said Herbie look so angelic.
All of us agreed that Huskee look the best and we have come to the conclusion that Mr. Hu must have seen and love the movie Shaggy Dog (don't you agree Huskee look like Shaggy Dog)
Everyone was really impressed by Mr Hu and his painitng. I think our owners are deciding to ask Mr Hu to paint their darlings (watch out friends – more posing for nice pictures so your mom can send them over for painting).
Great to be back.

Helios' mom commented that Mr Hu has given me 6pack abs (Thank you Mr. Hu. Now you know why I have been missing in action. Yes I have been in body building classes). Auntie G said Jack look like he has put on weight (actually he look the same as in the original photo). Huskee's mom said the painting look so life like. Mom said Herbie look so angelic.
All of us agreed that Huskee look the best and we have come to the conclusion that Mr. Hu must have seen and love the movie Shaggy Dog (don't you agree Huskee look like Shaggy Dog)
Everyone was really impressed by Mr Hu and his painitng. I think our owners are deciding to ask Mr Hu to paint their darlings (watch out friends – more posing for nice pictures so your mom can send them over for painting).
Great to be back.
We think Mr. Hu did a wonderful wonderful job. The painting is beautiful and how neat he could add the two doggies that weren't in the picture.
Mr. Hu did an AWESOME job! What a wonderful painting to have hanging on your wall for the rest of your life! Your mom is sure smart, Scuba!
Love ya lots,
Maggie and Mitch
Wow, Scuba, the painting is amazing! Your humans must be thrilled!
Your friend, Lenny
Wow that Mr. Hu is just awesome and we love your six pack abs. Mom says that I am very muscular too but I have just to much hair for you to see. She takes us swimming when weather permits to keep me so in shape. Now we have that Louie who isn't to sure of the water yet.
We love your blog..
Big Sloppy Kisses
Gus and Louie
what a fabulous painting, you are a muscle hound for sure, wow!
WOW I'm really impressed with the painting. WHat a tough job it must have been getting all of them to pose under the tree.
Or perhaps they were very well disciplined in the first place??
BTW, could you possibly share with us the contact details of this painter?
Fei and E
Hi Scubs,
Although I have never met Mr Hu, I think I like him already... Now mom wants to get him to do a painting of moi.. how exciting!!!!
(Oh and THANKS for adding me into the 'paw-trait'!!)
That is such a pawsome painting. I wonder if Mr Hu paints hammies..
~ Girl girl
Hiya Scuba! That painting is awesome! I love it. Mr. Hu did a great job! I think I should get him to paint handsome ol' me, he he...
pawsome pawsome pawtrait, Scuba!
Mr Hu did an excellent job! the pawtrait is juz like a carbon-copy of the photos!
The paintings look soooo real !
I wanna have mine painted too !
please send us a dog photo we can use in a funny news story.
I love the painting so much!!!
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