Jack and Joey spent yesterday with me. Thursday 13th July was a day to remember – no human.
ONLY 3 terriers and 2 cats (yes the 3 terriers oops, I mean terrors chased Auntie S away).

For those who know Jack, he ALWAYS announces his arrival whether he is at home, at the park, at my house or at any of our friends’ house. Surprise, surprise – Jack did not announce his arrival yesterday. Don’t mean to be rude but I slept till it was wake up time before I realized Jack and Joey were at my place. Jack always look COOL but he is the barky one.

Among the 3 terrors and the cats, we promise not to tell what we did at home (Auntie S, you better check anything that provides mental stimulus for thinking aka FOOD).
Check the meat section

Check the cookie jar

Check the fruits in the fridge (ohhhhh Jack and Joey love those bananas)

Check the treats department

Sorry Ginger and Pepper, we live in a clean house so no mousy for you. Knowing you guys, both of you are too lazy to chase the rats around...oh excuse me we live in harmony no chasing rats, no war no terrorising

I am sure even if we have them, you will live happily with them to the extent of sharing your milk.

Oh Scupe. Didn't you guys scared that NO HUMAN at home? If happen to me, I will cry cry cry...
Scared - NO
We enjoyed ourselves. Raid the fridge, raid the cookie jar, chased the cats etc etc
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