Well, on 22 Oct, a Mr. Kee-Thour Chin wrote to the Straits Tmes about banning pets from reservoirs.
On page 43 of yesterday’s newspaper, under ‘Don’t let pets pollute water’, a nice Uncle Nguan-Sen Tan (Director of Catchment and Waterways – Public Utilities Board) responded by saying ‘the public should refrain from activities that will dirty our water catchment’. He is right about the public (which means human).
I strongly think, the public must change their behaviour. Saturday, I saw a middle age man fishing in the reservoir and he spat into the water. My question is “Spitting into the water is more hygienic than we pooing on the grass?” (Mind you, we always go out with our owners. who takes poo bags with them). I have never ever seen any dogs near the water so, how do we pollute the water? My feeling is; this Mr. Chin does not like animals, which means he is not compassionate and kind (mom’s favourite phrase. She always say, people who don’t like animals are not compassionate and kind)
Our visit to Peirce Reservoir
Anyway, it was a humid day on Saturday, so mom, Uncle C and Auntie R decided to take Rafv and me to a place with open space and let us have some fun so we headed for Peirce Reservoir.
Pierce Reservoir, which is only about a 7mins walk from my house, was originally named the Kalang River Reservoir because it was impounded across the lower reaches of the Kalang River in 1910. In 1922, the reservoir was renamed to Pierce Reservoir, after Mr. Robert Peirce who was the municipal engineer of Singapore from 1901-1916.
It is Singapore's second reservoir. The forest surrounding the reservoir is protected as a water catchments’ reserve.
Pierce Reservoir is Rafv’s favourite place because it is here where he can talk to the monkeys.

Source: http://www.moblog.com.sg/blogger/blog.asp?uid=5680501C-1EB1-400A-B2CA-711ABC9C3647&bid=76325FE3-B751-447B-8CF5-C87B49E9ADB3
I have seen many people feeding the monkeys but mom said it is an offence. Feeding the monkeys can change their dietary habits and make them aggressive.

She said the monkeys have sufficient food in the nature reserves i.e. fruits and nuts. She continues by saying that if the human do not stop feeding them, culling the monkeys may become necessary and I certainly hope not.
Back to us; we had a great walk. People were enjoying themselves – having picnic, fishing and playing football.

'Can I join you guys kicking the ball? '
I was tired and thirsty from the walk and sights.
'Can I have a drink please?'
Response: “Of course you can. You are at the reservoir – plenty of water out there”

'But I don’t want to jump in. I prefer to drink it from a bowl'

Of course we did have our own water from the bowl.
Finally, we can take a break and the look of contentment

Hi Scubs.,
Ma told me godma was extremely annoyed with the article on the newspaper.. C'mon, who are we kidding.. we are already drinking NEWater!!
Moreover, other than 'pets', there are other animals (eg. monkeys, birds, etc) at the reservoirs and who is doing anything abt them peeing/ pooing to 'pollute' the water?? L.A.M.E
Huskee Boy
Scuba, that article was silly. The humans should look at themselves first before talking about us animals. You looked like you had fun there and Rafv does look very happy.
~ fufu
Scuba. Yap! We had fun that day!!
My mum doesn't know about this article cz she wasn't in Sinapore. but she says she absolutely agrees that this man must not have "compassionate and kind" heart with him.. There are so many selfish humans in this world..
R and Ryo
Why are there people who want to ban us from everywhere?! There were even people saying that we should be kept off the beaches. We'll have no where to go in future!
Without compassion, what's one's life worth??
Anyway, that looks like a great walk, and um....that one picture with you on the ledge looked kinda scary, but I saw it on the other photo that it wasn't what I thought it was on the other side LOL. Hey, Rafv can be entered in the longest tongue contest!!
ps. Are those monkeys friendly? I would LOVE to see and play with one!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
hi scuba,
wow! you actually stand on that tiny divider! i'll be scared to dead!
wet wet licks
Hi Scuba... humans are weird creatures. I can never understand them.
Hey, as long as you bring your you-man to scoop your poop there should be no problem. Cranky old man. I'd go poop on his front step if I lived in Singapore.
Bussie Kissies
Hey Scuba
What do you think about those monkeys at the resevoir? I'm not a big fan.. I think they are boo-man wannabe's. Fakers. I eat you!
I think that mean man who wrote into the paper is exactly what your mum said: LACKING compassion and kindness. Like Huskee Boy said, there are other animals around the resevoir too sooo having other humans around, and dogs too, shouldn't affect the water (unless you are peeing in the water.. which I know you wouldn't do, because you're a good dog).
how silly!!
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