Unfortunately I don’t see him very much but I heard he is coming over to visit me in May and hopefully, he is bringing loads of goodies for me. I was hoping he will bring my godbrother, Muscles but he is not. Muscles is 14years old and I don’t think he will enjoy the journey.
Mom said Muscles is the reason why she have me. She was so fascinated by Muscles’ behaviour, attitude and personality that she swore she was going to get an English Bull Terrier next. Her NEXT was like 7years later. Before me, dad and her good self, both have a mongrel named Tara and a German Shepherd named Scuba (yes my older sister was Scuba and I am ScubaToo).
She has been telling me and is still telling me how handsome Muscles is (hey I have feelings too!!!!, but thank goodness I have loads of aunties, uncles 2 godmothers and a godfather who love me).
Here is a picture of handsome Muscles with his daddy (aka my godpa)

I once heard a Uncle Jean Philippe telling my mom, she was going round Europe to find the ‘men’ she enjoys (no hard feelings mom. I love you still) – a German to start with, now a English gentleman and ohhhh la la, neeext a French lover (for those who don’t know what I mean – I am referring to her, then having a German Shepard, and now me the English Bull Terrier and who knows - next peut-être a French Bulldog (hehe could be a French poodle).
C'est la vie maman. Je t'aime beaucoup. As you can see, I do respond to your ''allez'' and "c'est tout".
I was told you love cheese and wine too. We both love organizing pawties and I promise you that I will personally overSEE (no pun intended) one for you.

Just come and give me BIG HUGS (in exchange for my wet wet licks… the ones you so love)

Yapee!! Scuba's godpa is coming!!
I hope he still remember me.(hehe, I met him before, nice nice gentleman :)
One request from me, Rafv.
Could you bring along Muscle's photos, pls? I want to see him since my godma so so adores him. hee
Hi Scubs,
When your doGfather.. oops I meant Godfather brings you goodies from Boston, can you share some with me please?? My mum/ your godma said she'd like to have a Bull Terrier only if you are the father..
Hey Scuba, oh Muscles is such a cute doggie. I hope you get lots of treats when Your godpa comes visit you.
Love that pic of you overseeing the food. :)
~ fufu
Rafv - my godpa never forget a dog he meet. Somehow he is like us (with our noses - we never forget). He loves all dogs and I can tell you he will hug and cuddle them like there is no tomorrow. I will tell him to bring Muscles pics (actually he travel with loads of Muscles pics. Make me wonder if he keeps mine).
Huskee - Of course I will share it with you. I haven't found a nice girl that my mom likes. She is the problem not me. To be honest, I don't care (pleeeease don't tell her).
Fufu - He is indeed a fine dog. I hope so too and I will see what there is to share with you too.
That pic was taken by Herbie's mom. She is a fantastic photographer.
this is very exciting, try to mail me some cheese if you get a chance...
Dear Joe Stains - of course I will but I need to know where to send it to.
Oh ScubaTOO, you must be so excited your godfather is coming!!!! I loved it when MY Veronica came to visit.
Did you see the little Bull Terrier on STINKY's blog, it was the Pet Expo post. She was so little, so cute!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
i love the name Muscles! suits your breed... muscles look so white... u must be happy that your godpa is coming soon!
hope to see your godpa at dog run.. i love hugs.. tell him to give me a belly rub also..
Coool sounds like you'll be spoiled rotten. Bring on those kind of humans!
Chow for now,
Tin Tin xo
Hey Scuuuuuba, are you coming to the DWB's Wine, Cheese & CHAT Pawty??? Come check out my blog for details!!
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
the cheese certainly looks verrrrrryyy inviting....
Are you gonna be at the DWB 1 year anniversary international Wine & Cheese Chat Pawty next week end? I sure hope so! For details on how to sign up, visit my blog and click on the Wine & Cheese Chat Pawty button.
Bussie Kissies
Huskee and I both can't join because our moms are in Shanghai, China.
We will be thinking of you all.
Mom promise me another wine and cheese pawty
Hey Scubie, Your mom sounds like a doggie flirt! Elle a besoin d'un Labrador? Un Canadien?
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