I was told last week that 2 friends whom I have never met – Rocky and Morris had passed on. Mom knew Aunty Marty (Rocky’s mummy), and mom was saddened by the news.
That night before we went to bed, both mom and I just hug each other and we prayed and talked about Rocky and Morris. Mom said they were friends forever (in life and in death) and they are now in a nice place in doggie’s heaven.
Both Rocky and Morris were bullies from Canada and they were STARS in their own special way.
Rocky was a very special dog to Aunty Marty and family. He never failed to put a smile on Aunty Marty’s face. He was always in show rings but he was not allowed to participate because he was nuetered and also he was a funny size - too big for a minature and too small for a standard male. How strange!!! that sounds like me. I am a miniature bull terrier too but often people think I am a standard for I am almost 23kgs (for a miniature). Well at least I know there was someone out there who shared the same fate like me. Besides that, he was also very involved in fundraising for bullies who needed financial aid to ensure they were given a chance to find homes that will love them. BRAVO and three cheers for Rocky.

If you wish to visit Auntie Marty’s website, you may go to: http://www.btshoppingmall.com/ , or click on my link under “ Bull Terrier Shopping Mall”
Aunty Marty, Uncle Fred and Madison sure do miss him loads. You will be in our thoughts and prayers.
Morris – he is a celebrity. His book will be out soon. If you like to read about him, the book is called “A GUIDE DOG FOR THE THICK – The misadventures of Morris”. The book is written by Morris’ owner Terry Doe

Source of picture: http://www.mediaboek.nl/product/19834_A+guide+dog+for+the+Thick*
They were be missed by both of us and all those who knew them. God bless both of them.