Unfortunately I don’t see him very much but I heard he is coming over to visit me in May and hopefully, he is bringing loads of goodies for me. I was hoping he will bring my godbrother, Muscles but he is not. Muscles is 14years old and I don’t think he will enjoy the journey.
Mom said Muscles is the reason why she have me. She was so fascinated by Muscles’ behaviour, attitude and personality that she swore she was going to get an English Bull Terrier next. Her NEXT was like 7years later. Before me, dad and her good self, both have a mongrel named Tara and a German Shepherd named Scuba (yes my older sister was Scuba and I am ScubaToo).
She has been telling me and is still telling me how handsome Muscles is (hey I have feelings too!!!!, but thank goodness I have loads of aunties, uncles 2 godmothers and a godfather who love me).
Here is a picture of handsome Muscles with his daddy (aka my godpa)

I once heard a Uncle Jean Philippe telling my mom, she was going round Europe to find the ‘men’ she enjoys (no hard feelings mom. I love you still) – a German to start with, now a English gentleman and ohhhh la la, neeext a French lover (for those who don’t know what I mean – I am referring to her, then having a German Shepard, and now me the English Bull Terrier and who knows - next peut-être a French Bulldog (hehe could be a French poodle).
C'est la vie maman. Je t'aime beaucoup. As you can see, I do respond to your ''allez'' and "c'est tout".
I was told you love cheese and wine too. We both love organizing pawties and I promise you that I will personally overSEE (no pun intended) one for you.

Just come and give me BIG HUGS (in exchange for my wet wet licks… the ones you so love)