I have always been tagged (The last two were by Herbie and Johann) so here is my chance to get back.
What shall I tag and what will it be !!!!!. Shall I be naughty or shall I be nice. How about:
‘Being 2gether – that’s friendship’
Rule for this tag:
1) Picture of you and another dog (or another animal)
2) A funny caption to go with the picture
3) Tag others
The grass is greener on this side except for the yellow flowers (can someone remove the grass that is tickling my nose.....Ahhhhhh Chooooooooooo)

Shall we dance? …… I don’t think so

Yin and Yang (Both elements are in movement rather than held in absolute stasis)

Look at that derrier. Ohhhhhh nice!!!!! Let me check it out

Don’t stop. Give me more. Love those smooches (Miss Sunshade, close your eyes on this one)

Hide and seek – who is gonna close the lid?

Don’t you dare disturb my godsister whilst she is sleeping. Acutally we are twins (in colour)

Down and out but where is the referee? I want fairness in this wrestling match.

The essence of a strong jaw

Pep talk for the young and innocent

Food – smells good and taste delicious. What did you just had?

One for the road

I would like to tag:
1) Huskee - my Little Big Brother
2) Herbie and Helios - The 2 GRrrrrrs
3) Jack and Joey - My famous piranhas
4) Miss Sunshade - The love of my life
5) Maggie the Airegirl - Who love my tummy
6) Ike the Boston terrier - Who love 'balls'
7) Sam I am - The lovely Weimaramer
8) Opy the Original Gruffpuppy - who is responsible for my tag action
9) Jay the Silkie Terrier - whom I haven't seen since Christmas
10) Girl Girl the Hamster - The baby of all
Happy tagging guys