The humans like us have their comfort zone too and I believe they call it personal space.
I need my personal space in this case, MY BED.
I love my friends to visit or have them stay over, but I am not terribly excited when they take over my comfy bed.
They all seem to be attracted to my wee tartan print bed. WHY!! WHY!! WHY!!
My mom believe in generosity, good, proper upbringing so whenever my friends come over (and mind you, invade my bed), she always say,
“Its OK sweetheart, I would like for you to share your things. If they find comfort in your little bed, let them sleep on it".
Some pictures of my friends invading my bed;
Here are Huskee, Joey and Jack

Well at least Bully is willing to share (hmmm I mean I am willing to share my bed with Bully – moi not so happy as you can see)

How on earth can Rafv find comfort in my bed (he is just too big for it)

Well not only are the dogs interested.....but my siblings the cats too
Pepper my brother

Ginger my sister

So where do I sleep – on mom’s bed (pretty obvious isn’t it)

I love all bed just like my friends love mine.
Scuba, that's lot of dogs and cats that have slept in your bed. I can't believe Rafv can fit too. But it's really nice of you to share. Is your mum's bed more comfy?
Thanks for linking me. I've linked to you too. :)
~ fufu
I know. I can't shake them off my bed. 2nights ago, Joey was 'invading' my bed and he didn't want to go home (and poor Auntie G got to say 'Joey Bye Bye - like a ziliion times)
Yes my mom's bed is comfy (well more spacious too). Even Rafv sometimes jump in to wake me up to play.
Well you can say you are the only hamster in my link and I love it.
You are that dog who needs his personal space. Let him have his space and he will be ok. You are that dog who doesn’t like getting his butt groomed (by humans) and sniffed (by both humans and dogs!awesome pictures,woof-woof
Lot's of Lick's
You are that dog who needs his personal space. Let him have his space and he will be ok. You are that dog who doesn’t like getting his butt groomed (by humans) and sniffed (by both humans and dogs!awesome pictures,woof-woof
Lot's of Lick's
Dog, that's a comfy looking bed... ! ;)
- Charlie
Oh Scubs... So sorry about this incident. I didn't know you are so concern about this bed..
But you know what! Your mum is considering to "sell" this bed to me, you know! but rest assured that I can't buy it for Rafv. Cz she claims your bed now has a value(a lots of dogs smell) so it will cost USD$1800. (Gosh, I don't know where this amount comes from). Rafv's mum's pocket is not so deep for obtainning JUST a bed, so it will be yours forever..
Unless she can have space to negotiate the price, then I will consider it. haha
Woops! then Sorry to you, Scubs.
What!!!! Godma Ryoko did I hear you right. My mom want to sell my bed. NO WAY. It is priceless (anyway what is US$1800 or let me rephrase how much food / rawhide will I get from that value).
Oh thank you Godma R. Please don't buy it even if mom is willing to negotiate.
Wow wow wow... muscle boy, I think you planned to have this happen all along!! You wanted your mom to feel sorry for you so you can officially invade her bed!! Not bad not bad, that's the way I would do it.
On the other hand, that bed of yours does look comfy. Mind Fedexing over for me to try??
ps. your little faint spots are soo cute I think.
Love nibbles,
Miss Sunshade
Nothing beats the big bed, that's what I say!
Bussie Kissies
Sam I am and Charlie - yes it is comfy (that is the problem)
Miss Sunshade shhhh!!!! yes. Planning it wasn't too difficult. Fedexing it for trying. Hmmm that will be expensive. Why don't you fly over. Not only can you try my bed but you will be able to meet all of us in Singapore.
Little faint spots - not so faint if I am wet. Mom says I have a wee bit of dalmatian in me.
Bussie Kisses - Definitely bigger is better. I am glad you agree
Oh Scuba, your ma aka my godma caught me red-handed lying in your bed huh... I was just interested in all the doggy scents that I pick up.. Haa.. it's funny to see Rafv trying to squeeze himself inside too!!
Well, you can use my bed when you come over my house. In fact, I think my M dragged my bed out for you to try once, and you looked quite comfy in it.
Dear Huskee, actually it is Auntie S not mom. Remember she was helping your mom. Yup lots of scents.
Dear Herbie, you bed was comfy too and bigger than mine. Only thing missing is it doesn't have all the other doggies scent.
Scuba, have you met Onion the dog yet? She is on Dogs with blogs now and she is a BT too!
Bussie Kissies
It must be because you have the comfiest bed in the world! Rafv looks very cute on your bed!
And no, all of us red and white Huskies do NOT look the same, you silly pit bull!
Hi Scuba, you are so generous to share even your bed with your friends. I like you, can I have a nap in your bed too? hiak hiak hiak
Thanks for linking me up. I'll link you too! :)
Hi Buster - yes I have 'met' Onion and she is linked in my blog
Hi Indy Pindy - ohh!!! I am not a pit bull (this breed is ban in Singapore) I am a Bull Terrier (well also known by my friends' owners as PIG bull)
Hi Jay - of course you can have a nap. C'mon over
Love, Scuba
My cousin, Mr. Fugly invades my bed when he comes over too!! Mommy says its important to share... so I sit beside my bed and stare at him.
hey scuba, think of a brighter side: that your bed is so comfortable that no one can reject it!
wet wet licks
Dear Toby - oh dear, you sit sit and stare? Can you not join Mr Fugly?
Dear Boo - Yes it is comfy and and it is free.
Dear Lulu - haha didn't take me a long time to climb or jump onto a bigger bed but I still like my bed
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