Scuba's house of course!!!!
Gee whiz was I busy trying (you see, I use the word trying, meaning attempting) to play or be a good host to all my friends.
August (beginning) - Tommy
His parents went on their honeymoon (gosh I am not sure this is the number what honeymoom maybe 5th) to Phuket, Thailand

August (end) - Jack & Joey
Auntie G went away for 4days to Bangkok, Thailand.

September - Bully
Her parents went away for a week ALSO to Thailand. I wonder if they were playing a a rock concert somewhere in Thailand

End September beginning October - Rafv and Buddy
Rafv's mummy went back to Japan. He sure miss mummy. He has decided to dream about her. Yes he has been really slack these days, sleeping all the time

Buddy parents were away. Buddy only come in the evening

Another end September beginning October stay over - Huskee
Huskee was made legitimate during this period. Yes his mama and papa finally got married. Congratulations Auntie S and Uncle M. Oh and also congratulation to Huskee too on your new status. So you are now Huskee Keebo Chan-Lee.
Huskee's ma, maid, grandma and grandpa were worried about Huskee's stay over coz he never ever stay away from his family.
After 3days with us, he didn't want to go home. He was so attached to Auntie S. Everywhere she went, he followed. Auntie S sure have a way with all my friends.

October - this is a scarry scarry thought.
MOIMy mom is going away this weekend(where!!! need you ask - THAILAND. What is happening there?) Jack and Joey's HS were there before the coup, Bully's owner were there during the coup and now mom is going after the coup. MUST BE A CONSPIRACY.
Anyway mom, forget it, they have already found an interim Prime Minister.
Whose gonna look after me? Or whose house am I going?If I have to stay over, can I please not go to Jack & Joey's house...please pretty please. "Dear God I promise to be a good boy. I will come when I am call. I will try not to be a statue at the park. Please god don't let mum put me at J&J's house. I can't stand the thought of
SO LITTLE FOOD. If I have a choice, can I go to Herbie's. Thank you God"

Boy do I not look sad?
This is not the end. Come November, I am going to have Herbie
(hey Herb, how about a deal. I go over this weekend and you can come over in November when your parents go away). Herbie has now learn how to show his teeth. He has been getting special training.

I was horrified (you can see from the expression on my face) that my calm friend has learn the art of aggression. His Art of Aggression is taught by Rafv and Tommy
psssst Herbie told me last night, that his parents are going to China.